How to tell if a dog has a fever?

To determine if your beloved canine is sick, you must know how to take the dog’s temperature. It lets you to detect any ailment early on, allowing you to begin treatment right away. This will keep her condition from deteriorating. A thermometer is the most accurate technique to determine whether or not a dog has a fever. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can know by looking at the signs and symptoms of a fever in your dog.

The normal temperature of dog:

The normal temperature of a dog is between 99.5 and 102.5F. A pet thermometer can be used to take your dog’s temperature. Now that we know what’s normal, let’s look at the symptoms that indicate whether or not a dog has a fever.

Red eyes:

It’s possible that a dog’s red eyes are caused by a fever. Even if your dog doesn’t fever, you should get him assessed because redness might be caused by irritation, illness, or allergies. You should be sure to treat your pet appropriately, and you’ll need a veterinarian to figure out what’s causing the redness.

Hot ears and paws:

The paws and ears of a dog with a high body temperature are frequently warm. You can take your dog’s temperature using the more heat-sensitive regions of his body, such as the back of his paws and cheeks. Feel the claws or ears on the back of your hand. It could be a sign that he isn’t feeling well if the temperature is substantially hotter or warmer.

Watery and hot nose:

Depending on the ambient conditions, a dog’s nose might be hot or cold, dry or moist. For example, it’s usual for a dog’s nose to dry up while exercising or lying in the sun. Dehydration, on the other hand, can cause the dog’s nose to become dry, which is unhealthy for dogs. Look for a greenish discharge when you feel your dog’s nose and know it’s hot and dry. There may be inflammation or infection when there is a fever.

Warm gums:

Before you check your dog’s gums, make sure he’s calm. Gently open his/her mouth with both hands and examine for dry, warm gums that are redder than normal pink.


Immediately after eating something, your pet may vomit. This could be the result of a virus or something your pet ate that has made them unwell. In such circumstances, your dog may require intravenous fluid therapy.

Feel your dog’s temperature in the area with the least number of furs:

When your dog has an infection and a fever, the armpits and groin area have less fur and are frequently inflamed and hot. The heat in the lymph nodes in the armpit and groin area can be felt with the backs of your hands. However, ensure that your hands are at room temperature rather than hot or cold, as they serve as a reference point.

Examine the appearance and behavior of the dog:

Although lethargy does not always indicate that your pet has a fever, if you notice this symptom, you should investigate more. Lethargy and tiredness are just two of a pet’s probable symptoms, but they might also indicate the presence of another sickness or medical condition. Consult your veterinarian if your pet has been lethargic for a long time and does not appear to be regaining energy.

A dog may start shivering due to fever:

It’s possible that your dog is shivering due to a fever rather than being cold. If your pet is shivering, make sure he is warm and dry. If your dog is shivering from a fever, make sure they aren’t overheated.

Appetite loss:

Fever can also be accompanied by an inability to eat. If your dog is abruptly rejecting his favorite food, this could be cause for concern. Appetite loss, like the other symptoms described here, isn’t always a sign that your pet is sick; it might also be a sign of something else. Pain in your pet’s mouth or elsewhere in their body can cause them to lose their appetite. The fever may make your dog not feel very hungry.


When a dog’s temperature reaches 103 degrees or above, it is considered to have a fever. If this is the case, it’s time to visit the veterinarian. Temperatures of 106 degrees or above can harm or kill a pet’s internal organs. Taking your dog’s temperature is the best approach to see if he or she has a fever. You should use a rectal thermometer to get the most precise temperature. It may not be easy or pleasant for you, and you will require the assistance of a skilled technician.

When your dog has a fever, he may exhibit other signs and symptoms that you should be aware of. Vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue or acute weakness, low appetite, lethargy, and social withdrawal are some of the indications and symptoms. If your dog is sick or has a fever, look for these indicators.