Why is my hair hard after I wash it?

Hair plays a vital role in elevating our appearance. Dry hair is something that nobody desires, yet, it is the most common issue encountered by both men and women. Healthy, shiny, and soft hair reflects well on your hygiene. The biggest reason for dull, lifeless hair is the loss of moisture. This results in a lackluster sheen. Numerous factors can devoid your hair of moisture- that, in return, causes your hair to become brittle or hard, as some people describe. A few of the factors are mentioned ahead.

Dry scalp

The dryness of your scalp can contribute enormously to your hair becoming dry and hard. The sebaceous glands on your scalp create oil known as sebum. Sebum provides the hair with hydration and protection. It forms a layer on your hair, locking the moisture in. Dry scalps do not secrete enough sebum to keep the hair well-nourished. It makes the hair dehydrated and flaky. In such cases washing hair less frequently is advised. It helps the hair retain the little moisture they do have. Also, preventing the hair from getting hard and keeps them glossy and soft. Applying hair masks and oils that help provide the same benefit also protect your hair from desiccation.

Excessive shampoo

Have you ever heard the expression “too much of a good thing? “Sometimes, washing hair too frequently does more harm than good. Especially people with already dry hair can strip their hair of the little moisture left by frequent washing. Shampoos not only wash debris off of your hair but also eliminate essential oils. The protective layer also gets stripped off, leaving hair unguarded. Excessive use of soaps or shampoo has been proven detrimental to your hair.

It is generally advised for anyone with dry, brittle hair to wash the hair weekly or twice a week at most. Sulfate-free shampoos are also available in the market that claims to be less damaging to your hair’s health. Rinsing hair with water in between and using a conditioner along with shampoo also helps. Conditioner helps in restoring the lost moister to hair and provides nourishment. Hence, preserving the moisture and keeping hair relatively soft and fresh.

Use of hot water

Avoid using hot water to rinse your hair. That is just going to further suck out the life of your hair, leaving a weak, brittle mane. Heat is not your friend where the luster of your hair is concerned. Hot water dehydrates your scalp, stripping your hair of oils. It is advisable to use cold water to rinse hair. Hair moisturizers after taking a bath might also be very beneficial.

Water content

One of the external variables contributing to the hardness of hair may be the composition of water. In a few areas, water contains an abundance of minerals like calcium and magnesium. These minerals deposit on your hair, turning them firm and inclined to breakage. The buildup on your hair makes it impossible for moisture to penetrate the hair. What does it end up doing? Damage.

Using water softeners, although expensive, are your best bet to revive your hard, dull, lifeless hair. A more economical alternative is a water softener shower head. It substitutes hard minerals for salts. Another option is to use a clarifying shampoo. It removes the mineral buildup on your hair. Returning the hair its shine and glory.

Nobody likes their hair to appear lifeless. The external or internal factors in play can be resolved. All you need is a little care in how you treat your hair. A little effort and consciousness while selecting which products you are using for your hair can go a long way. Understand the root cause and provide your hair with the necessary nourishment to see them flourish.