Why do dogs break up catfights?

Dogs and cats have always had a complicated relationship. Dogs are often seen as the loyal companions of humans, while cats are often seen as independent and aloof.

However, there is one area where dogs and cats work together: breaking up catfights. It may seem surprising, but dogs are actually very effective at stopping catfights. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why dogs break up catfights and how they do it.

Reasons to break up catfights

Dogs break up catfights for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they do it out of instinctual behavior – dogs are bred to be pack animals and instinctively want to keep the peace in their pack. In other cases, dogs may break up catfights because they recognize that there is something wrong with the fight and they want to stop it.

1. Dogs may break up catfights because they are trying to protect their pack

Dogs are bred to be pack animals, and one of the things that come with being in a pack is wanting to keep the peace. Dogs will often break up catfights because they see them as a threat to the stability of their pack. When two cats are fighting, the dog may see it as an opportunity to take over as the leader of the pack.

2. Dogs may break up catfights because they are trying to protect their human

Many dogs are bred to be guardians of their human family. When they see a catfight, the dog may break up the fight because it sees that as something threatening its human. The dog may also try to protect its human by breaking up fights between two cats in order to prevent them from hurting one another or hurting itself with claws.

3. Dogs may break up catfights because they are trying to protect themselves

Dogs have the instinct to protect their own lives if they feel threatened by a situation. They will often break up fights between cats, for example, in order to prevent one of them from hurting themselves with claws or teeth.

4. Dogs may break up catfights because they are trying to establish dominance

Dogs will often try to establish their dominance over other animals, including cats. When two cats are fighting, the dog may see it as an opportunity to show who is in charge. By breaking up the fight, the dog is able to assert its dominance over both of the cats.

5. Dogs may break up catfights because they want to play with the cats

Dogs are playful creatures, and they may see a fight between two cats as an opportunity to play. The dog will often try to get involved in order to have fun with both of them at once.

How do dogs break up catfights?

There are a few different ways that dogs break up catfights. They may bark at the cats to try and get them to stop fighting, they may jump in between the cats and push them apart, or they may grab one of the cats by the scruff of its neck and pull it away from the other cat. All of these methods are effective in breaking up a catfight.


There are some areas where dogs and cats work well together despite their complicated relationship. Catfights are a prime example. Dogs break up catfights for a variety of reasons, including instinctual behavior, protecting their pack or human, protecting themselves, and establishing dominance.

They use a variety of methods to break up catfights, including barking, jumping in between the cats, and grabbing one of the cats by the scruff of its neck.